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The spiritual monument considered to be the heart of the city Notre dame church, Paris

The capital of France, Paris is one the most beautiful place in earth. If we talk about the architecture, museums or anything, we will find it the dream city. The beautiful scene of river seine flowing from the middle of the city give the city a unique look. The attractions in the Paris include- the Eiffel tower that makes Paris a romantic city. It is the most popular tourist destination in Paris. The Louvre museums opened in 1973. It is the largest museum in the world. One cannot see the whole museum in a day. It takes many days to cover that huge museum having the beautiful art of the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. In addition, the next is the Notre dame church, Paris. Chico de compañía Barcelona

A symbol of architectural wonders was completed in 2 decades. It is in the heart of the Paris and due to its beauty, it is the heart of the Paris. It is not only beautiful from inside but also from out side many people came to see this from outside only because of the wonderful designs that are used to make it. Notre dame is also very much popular among the photographers. It is the best place to take photographs also. The another thing that attract a tourist to visit Notre dame church, Paris it it’s along fascinating history

Notre dame church Paris, France is one of the greatest buildings that are built ever in the world. It became the reason of proud for the people living in Paris. It is the best example of master artisanship during 12th centaury. Both gothic and Romanesque influence this cathedral because it takes 200 years to be completed so in this large spam of time there occur changes in architectural styles. Notre dame church Paris is widely photographed feature. The media especially the main entrance of the cathedral much time use it.

Notre dame church Paris is about 800 years old and witnessed many great events like those that Henry VI of England is crowded in this cathedral as a ‘king of France’ in 1431. A napoleon, when saved Notre dame church from demolition in 1802 crowded as emperor over there in 1804. Therefore, if you are interested in history, interested in architecture, interested in photography or interested to see something that give you peace, must visit Notre dame church, Paris.

Categories: Cathedral, Paris.

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